Here are some tips for figuring out what you need and how to get it, starting with what a power of attorney (POA) is.

A POA is a legal document that gives a person (or organization) permission to make certain decisions if you are unable to do so. If you’re in need of a power of attorney in Arizona, but have limits to your budget, it’s important to get this taken care of affordably.

Power of Attorney in Arizona

What is a power of attorney in Arizona?

There are many types of POAs and reasons for creating them, but the below examples will get you started thinking about which type you may require.

  • A general POA can be used in a broad range of situations, including, but not limited to, giving an agent the authority to handle your finances, business transactions, make gifts, and employ people to help you.
  • A durable POA contains a clause stating when the POA goes into effect. For example, if you have one that allows someone to take care of your financial matters if you become mentally incompetent, the durable POA can specify that it only goes into effect if you are, in fact, mentally incompetent.
  • A health care POA is used to allow your agent to make medical decisions for you in certain circumstances. For example, it could take effect if you become mentally unfit or unconscious.

Choosing an agent for your power of attorney

When choosing an agent for your POA, trust is of paramount importance. Choose someone you are certain will respect your wishes (and understands them), won’t take advantage of their new power, and has your best interests at heart.

Preparing your power of attorney documents

POA documents can be prepared by a lawyer, a legal document preparation service, or yourself.

Many people have simple POA matters to look after that aren’t complex enough to justify the potentially high expense of a lawyer. On the other hand, doing it yourself is budget-friendly, but puts you at risk of creating a document that won’t hold up in court when you need it most.

The ideal solution then is to use an affordable legal document preparation service. They’ll have the knowledge and expertise to help ensure that your documents are created in accordance with all legal requirements, be able to answer your questions, and ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Additionally, if you do end up having a case that would benefit from the advice of a lawyer, a reputable legal document prep service will know enough to tell you so.

Getting an affordable and effective power of attorney in Arizona is possible

Educate yourself on the different types of POAs that are available, decide on an agent that deserves your trust, and get some help putting it all together. Don’t make the mistake of struggling to do all this yourself when affordable help is a readily available option.

At Affordable Legal Document Specialists, we know the system. We will help you navigate through completing the paperwork setting up a power of attorney with as much ease as possible. To get started, fill out the form below and we will contact you to set up your free consultation.

If we aren’t able to help you, we have relationships with and can refer you to several attorneys who are committed to helping you. We’ll do everything we can to put you on the right path!